Jessica Jewell, Administrative Assistant

I started getting massages as a way to soothe my aching body and frazzled nerves over 30 years ago. I’ve tried many different styles of massage and have loved almost all of them. Today, my favorite treatments are cranio-sacral, Asian-style massage, and reflexology.

Beyond massage, I worked as a field biologist for 15 years in the southwest and northwest United States; have been partnered with the same man for 30 years; have 2 teenagers who are catalysts for my growth; and am a long-time yoga practitioner, teacher, and more recently, studio owner/manager. My true passion is transforming the deep wounds humans experience as a result of living in this world into compassion, courage, and faith that there is indeed a purpose for our lives. 

I’m delighted to be a member of the Empowered Healing team in even a small role. My aim is to help you find the right treatment so you get the help and healing you need.

Empowered Healing